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Type: Tanzkurse
Place of course
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The Salsaolé Spirit

Dancing is not just a course visit. Salsaolé is not just dancing in the dance school.

Dancing lets us worry and forget everyday life. Sinking carefree to music into your dream world or leaving this emotions free to run through dancing - all of this and much more is dancing.

Salsaolé lives out the dancing and accompanies you from the course rooms into the limitless dance! Be it on one of their own parties, at Fiestas at other dance schools & organizers or at congresses & events abroad - they are there and make it easier for you to get started with the foreign dance floors. This Salsaolé Spirit is always present and noticeable, from the first dance step. Because they also want to let you feel the magic that connects through continents!

More info via: SalsSAOLE.CH

Place of course: Commercial ring 25, 5610 Wohlen, Switzerland

    The prices for the subscriptions and courses on our
    The platform are without guarantee.

    For more detailed information on the various subscription options and the associated costs, we ask you to visit the partner's website or to inform you by phone.

    Hersteller/Anbieter: SalsaOlé